The Page that solves Family Mysteries

Italian Family History
Genealogy in Italy

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Do you have Italian origins?

Are you interested in knowing more about your Italian Ancestors: where did they lived, what were their names, their professions?

Do they have descendents still living in Italy? And do you have far relatives in Italy?

Do you want to investigate your Italian roots?
Sicily Italy is a wonderful place to live.
Italy is located centrally on the Mediterranean sea, it has tens of islands and more then seven thousand kilometers of beautiful coast.
Italy served as an important crossroad and an intersection between North and South, East and West.
Italy has a very rich history and culture that includes art, science, architecture, popular traditions and ancient customs.
Italy has a very important role in family history: if your ancestors came from Europe, it is very likely that a branch of your family came from, or went through Italy.
Moreover Italy is a place of great emigration: for centuries Italians populated all corners of the world.
The family was the place where they kept their ties with their homeland: in the Italian society the family is the centre of the social structure.
Venezia Sicilia Pisa
To begin your research you need a name, a place of origin and an approximate period when your ancestor(s) lived.
That's all.Let's start this exciting trip!

To research your Italian ancestors is important to understand some history and culture of the place where they lived. And to figure which records they may have left behind.
In these pages you'll find:
- a sketch of the History of Italy
- a guide on how to begin your research
- examples of documents
- databases on genealogy

Here you'll also find information on your place of origin.
You'll find a list of services:
- the request and the invoice of a record,
- research services performed by Italian professional researchers,
- escort services to your place of origin (family trip),
- help for translation from Italian or Latin,
- dedicated tours to the archives,

It's time to research your Italian Family History!