Jewish Genealogy in Italy


Examples of drawings and maps 


Casa di Zudei House of Jews in Livorno
Venezia, "Casa di Zudei" (House of Jews)
Sketch of an house in Venice Livorno, house of Jews House of the ghetto and its inhabitants
Venezia, sketch of house of the 18th century


A scheme of the interior
of  house of the ghetto with  its tenants




Map of the ghetto of Venezia, with particles and owners
The ghetto of Venezia (1820) Map of the ghetto of Finale
Map of the ghetto of Firenze, with particles and owners              The ghetto of Finale Map of the ghetto of Genova, with owners
The ghetto of Genova (18th century)
The ghetto of Firenze (1830-40)

Cimitero_MonteSS.jpg (16263 byte)
Map of the cemetery of Monte San Savino

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